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The Consumer Product Safety Commission sent out a warning to consumers Thursday that two brands of carbon monoxide detectors sold on Amazon did not work.

The carbon monoxide detectors are plastic, with an LED screen that is supposed to flash red when the dangerous gas is detected, alongside a loud alarm.

The detectors, made by manufacturers GLBSUNION and CUZMAK, failed to go off with an alert during CPSC testing when exposed to air that had 400 parts per million of carbon monoxide. The 400 parts per million benchmark is the recommended safety standard.

The devices were sold on Amazon from $16 and $40, with one model sold with the Amazon Standard Identification Numbers B093Y1KK5Q and B093Y637CM, and the other model sold under Amazon Standard Identification Numbers B07MPVK6HG and B07K44HLCV.

The CPSC did not mention a pending or possible recall of the products, nor did it mention where the products were manufactured. However, other CUZMAK and GLBSUNION products on Amazon are listed as being made in China.

Consumers are urged to avoid purchasing or selling the detectors, and to dispose of any in their possession.

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